Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Definition and Examples of Hypocoristic Names
A hypocorism is a pet name, nickname, or term of endearment  often a shortened form of a word or name. Adjective: hypocoristic. It derives from the Greek word meaning to use child-talk. Robert Kennedy notes that many hypocorisms are ​monosyllabic or disyllabic, with the second syllable bearing no stress (The Oxford Handbook of the Word, 2015). Examples and Observations Mikey, Mikey, come on. Our parents are worried. Its dinnertime. Why dont we go home?(Chunk to his friend Michael Mikey Walsh in The Goonies, 1985)Oh, Slothy. I may have been bad. I may have kept you chained up in that room, but it was for your own good.(Mama Fratelli to her son Lotney Sloth Fratelli in The Goonies, 1985)If you call your granddaughter Toots, you are being hypocoristic.(Roy Blount, Jr., Alphabet Juice. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008)Now, children, I want you to tell me your names again, and I want you to speak just as distinctly as Mary Chapman did. And I want you to speak your real names. You must not say your baby-names, such as Jimmie, for James; Lizzie, for Elizabeth; Johnny, for John. The first row, stand!(Teacher in The National Music Teacher by Luther Whiting Mason, 1894)Born a slave on March 15, 1843, on the Gray plantation in Noxubee County, Mississippi, the infant was given a slave name, Richard Gray. Around the plantation, though, the overseers called him D ick, short for Richard.(Juan Williams and Quinton Dixie, This Far by Faith: Stories from the African American Religious Experience. William Morrow, 2003)Kitsy, she encourages, like shes trying to teach a parakeet to ask for a cracker. Its short for Katherine Isabelle. My grandmother is Itsy, short for Isabelle, my mother is Bitsy, short for Elizabeth Isabelle, and my daughter is Mitsy, short for Madeleine Isabelle. Isnt that just adorable?(Wade Rouse, Confessions of a Prep School Mommy Handler: A Memoir. Harmony Books, 2007) Hypocoristic Forms of First Names in the Modern English Period Most first names of any currency had recognized hypocoristic forms. Some names attracted only one or two main forms; others had several; and there was scope for a fair degree of free inventiveness. In the first category, and all dating from the 17th and 18th centuries, were: Di (Diana); Frank and Fanny (Frances); Jim (James); Joe (Joseph); Nell (Helen); and Tony (Anthony). Other names attracted a larger number of hypocoristic forms, mainly because they were commoner names . . .. Examples are Aggie, Nessa, Nesta (Scots) and Nest (Welsh) for Agnes; Doll, Dora, Dodee, Dot and Dolly (modern) for Dorothy or Dorothea; Mey, Peg, Maggie (Scots), Margery, Maisie, May and Madge for Margaret; and above all the many names deriving from Elizabeth. These include Bess, Bessie, Beth, Betsy, Eliza, Elsie, Lisa (modern), Lizbeth, Lizbie, Tetty, and Tissy. It will be noted that all of these are girls names, and they seem to have been far more prone to hypocoristic formations in the post-medieval period than boys names. Some hypocoristic forms became independent names, like Elsie, Fanny and Margery. (Stephen Wilson, The Means of Naming: A Social and Cultural History of Personal Naming in Western Europe. UCL Press, 1998) Hypocoristics in Australian English The use of hypocoristics for common nouns and proper nouns is a notable feature of the speech of many Australians. Occasionally there are pairs. Sometimes one form, usually an /i/ form, is seen as babytalk: [Roswitha] Dabke (1976) notes goody/goodoh, kiddy/kiddo, and compare jarmies-PJs/pyjamas, and kanga (babytalk)-roo/kangaroo. However, sometimes different hypocoristics have different denotations, with the /o/ form more likely to denote a person: herp reptile, herpo herpetologist; chockie chocolate, chocko chocolate soldier (Army reserve); sickie sick leave, sicko psychologically sick person; plazzo plastic nappy, plakky plastic (adjective). But often there are no clear differences: milky-milko/milkman, commy-commo/communist, weirdy-weirdo/weird person, garbie-garbo/garbage collector, kindie-kinder/kindergarten; bottlie-bottlo/bottle merchant, sammie-sandie-sangie-sanger-sambo/sandwich, preggie-preggo-preggers/pregnant, Proddo-Proddy/Protestant, pro-prozzo-prostie-prozzie/prostitute. Speakers who use more than one hypocoristic may assign to them the meanings proposed by [Anna] Wierzbicka. But i f a speaker uses only one of the possible hypocoristics, for them the hypocoristic may have a general meaning of informality, and not the proposed fine-grained differences. This remains to be explored. (Jane Simpson, Hypocoristics in Australian English. A Handbook of Varieties of English: A Multimedia Reference Tool, ed. by Bernd Kortmann et al. Mouton de Gruyter, 2004)
Monday, December 23, 2019
Analysis Of Van Gogh s The Postman Joseph Roulin
Dear friend Dolcy, I am visiting the city of Arles located in the southwestern France. The city is prominent for the masterpiece â€Å"The Postman Joseph Roulin†painted by Van Gogh in the early August of 1888. Van Gogh painting has influenced the contemporarily art in the twenty century. In addition, the artist was a Post-Impressionist, with the ability to seize the intensity of emotion and the beauty in his artwork. I really appreciate Van Gogh portraits. Due to that, I want to discover the city of â€Å"The postman Joseph Roulin†which seduced the artist feelings. There is always a mystery behind each masterpiece in which only the artist detains the secret and the best explanation. However, according to my perception, Van Gogh displayed a portrait of a fervent postman to immortalize the only man who was close to him regardless how others seen him due to his mental disorder. I spent about one thousand and nine hundred seventy dollars for my thicket and I paid five hu ndred and ninety five dollar for my hotel â€Å"Hotel De L’ Amphitheatre†located on Route des Baux, 13990 Fontvieille, Arles, France where I will stay for seven days. The city of Arles is located in the southern of France in Europe. The famous city has an area of 758 kilometer square and is connected in the Bouches du Rhone department. Te town culture display multiple Mediterranean influences such as the Roman Empire and Greek. Arles city is well known by his dishes such as Fougasse d Arles, Gardienne de Boeuf,
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Madina Lake are an American rock/alternative band formed in Chicago in 2005 Free Essays
In this photo, Madina Lake has some very dark, murky colours in the background. Around the edge of the backdrop, it is entirely black. Black connotes that they have a lot of power and aggression in their singing since it is a very dominant colour. We will write a custom essay sample on Madina Lake are an American rock/alternative band formed in Chicago in 2005 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, it conveys a very sinister mood of sadness and unhappiness. So the colour of black already illustrates the personality of the whole band and what their music is about: powerful and aggressive music and their lyrics are sad and unhappy. As you focus into the centre of the backdrop, the colours shown are dark, murky greys and greens. The dark tone of the colours still conveys the feeling of sadness, and the shadowy green expresses hardship and misfortune. This reveals that in their history and backgrounds, they have encountered times of hardship and misfortune. The texture of the backdrop itself, a wall, is very shabby and tattered with some large holes which have been ripped out from it. This gives the impression that they are rough, angry band and have a very rocky style. The presentation of the band members is actually quite smart, but has the casual effect as well. They are sat on a white sofa on a white floor which indicates that despite the background gives them a powerful, aggressive appearance, each individual has their tranquil, peaceful side. They are all wearing slightly frayed jeans, showing they are casual and relaxed. Their shirts are smart and well presented; this points out that they also have their formal side to them. This fashion is quite popularly worn by rock bands these days, so this shows that they are your modern, up to date rock band. The lighting in the picture is used quite effectively. It concentrates on the band and gradually fades out around the edge. This is so the audience focuses on the band. As the edge of the picture is in shadow, it gives a feeling that they like to be enclosed by darkness, giving them an aspect of mystery. The eyes of the members are in shadow as well, further adding the aspect of mystery. All members of Madina Lake have some very attention-grabbing hair styles. Each member has their own unique style which shows that they want to stand out from each other in their own way. For example, Mateo on the left has blond hair with a black stripe running through it. The blond connotes that he is a fun and optimistic guy, but the black implies he has power and mystery within his fun and optimistic character. The camera angle is slightly canted at a low angle. The canted angle suggests they like to be interesting and dramatic and portrays a sense of unease and disorientation to the audience, and the low angle implies superiority and that they have power over the audience. This fits in with the dark, powerful colours they have used in the photo. To complete the analyses of this photo, Madina Lake are positioned very close to one another, connoting that the band are a very intimately connected group. There facial expressions are quite directed to the audience. The expressions upon their face have a component of seriousness, especially where the eyes are looking directly at the audience to grab attention and give the feeling they are connecting with you, but they have a relaxed body gesture because of their forward lean, open legs and relaxed hand position. This illustrates they can be calm and composed. The fact the band is made of four members gives an advantage, because you can’t really have a middle person to lead and dominate the whole band, giving each band member equal values. How to cite Madina Lake are an American rock/alternative band formed in Chicago in 2005, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
24 Hours Essay Example For Students
24 Hours Essay 24 hrs. in one single day. 24 hrs. your name be in my head. 24 hrs. is what determines what we do, and 24 hrs. I wish I can spend with you. Both day and night your name crosses my mind, and your pretty smile that gets me wild. Your soft lips that Ill never regret kissing; no money can buy that feeling. The way you grab me, the way you touch me; it feels so good, I just love it. I love you; I wish someday I have 24 hors. with you; better yet, when you say I Do my wife youll be and noone will ever take me away from you. When I kiss your bubbly lips, and get a taste of your mouth; when you move your tongue inside it drives me wild.Since the second I see you and youre with m, I know right away and I promise to give you what you want from me. With noone around us, noone to see us, Ill take you to a whole new world thatll last for years. The memories I have with you Ill never forget; the experiences that you gave me cant leave my head. Youre so good, youre so sexy, Ill never leave you, not unless I go crazy. Priscilla the girl who changed my life, the girl who made me realize what love is all about. Ill never regret being with you, never in my life I will deny that I dont love you. And if Im lying God can strike me dead right now, but youre the girl that my heart cares most about.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Ricky Medina Essays - Depression, Abnormal Psychology,
Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology Report # 3 Twenty-six Israeli suicidal patients, twenty-four non-suicidal patients and twenty-four control aptients completed tests on different suicidal tendencies. Suicidal adolescents showed more negative responses that did either the non-suicidal adolescents or the control patients. Furthermore compared to the other two groups, the suicidal adolescents showed less complex self-attributes and a higher tendency to have a low self-esteem. Results were discussed and it was found that suicidal adolescents were unevenly processing information or stimuli which was causing confusion which led to their suicidal tendencies. Orbach, Isreal, Mario Mikulineer, Daniel Stein, and Orit Cohen, Self-representation of Suicidal Adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1996. Vol. No.3 435-439.Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology Report # 4 Researchers used multiple measures of irrationability and compared the reactions of never-depressed controls (ND) with people who had recovered from major depression. The ND studies revealed that they didn't exceed in errationality and negative mood in specific situations. The people who were recovered from depression did show that when there were other variables their attitude did change faster than those who had never suffered from depression. They concluded that recovered depressed people weren't able to handle being under different situations when they had to control there rational way of life. Brody, Cindy, David A.F. Haaga, Ari Solomon, Lindsey Kirk, and Dara G. Friedman 1998. Priming Irational Beliefs in Recovered-Depressed People. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. No.3 440-449Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology Report # 5 In 1989, the National Institute of mental health (NIMH) completed the most careful study comparing the success rates of psychotherapy versus antidepressant drug therapy in the treatment of cases of major depression. Patients with major depression were assigned a random for 16 weeks to one of four treatments: an antidepressant drug which was imipramine, a placebo pill, interpersonal therapy, of cognitive behavioral therapy. The interpersonal therapy focused on the depressed persons relationships with other people. The findings of the study were surprising. For the less depressed people all four treatments were equally successful. For the Severely depressed people however, the antidepressant drug therapy was highly success ful. 76% improved on the drug nad only 18% on the placebo. After this study NIMH issued a warning it concluded that only 16 weeks of psychotherapy or the drug therapy for depression was sufficient since it resulted in very high relapse rates. Mackel, Donald, William Holder, and Larry Kvols. Psychotherapy or Pharmcotherapy? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol.5. No. 6, 489-495 Mackel, Donald, William Holder, and Larry Kvois, Psychotherapy or Pharmacotherapy? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. No.6 489-495.Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology report #2 3,450 patients who were diagnosed with either depression, anxiety, or stress syndromes completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS). 3 to 8 years later the same patients took the DASS again. Each time the second test scores were the asme as the test scores from the first test. The stability of the patients suffering from at least one of the three syndromes did not vary over the interval of the two test. The results support the stability of depression, anxiety and stress, and draw attention to the distinction between the three different syndromes. These results were interpreted to mean that there is existence of vulnerabilities in the three syndromes, over and beyond the general vulnerability to emotional distress. Lovebond, Peter F. Long-Term Stability of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Syndromes, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1998, Vol. 107, No. 3, 520-526 Ricky Medina Essays - Depression, Abnormal Psychology, Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology Report # 3 Twenty-six Israeli suicidal patients, twenty-four non-suicidal patients and twenty-four control aptients completed tests on different suicidal tendencies. Suicidal adolescents showed more negative responses that did either the non-suicidal adolescents or the control patients. Furthermore compared to the other two groups, the suicidal adolescents showed less complex self-attributes and a higher tendency to have a low self-esteem. Results were discussed and it was found that suicidal adolescents were unevenly processing information or stimuli which was causing confusion which led to their suicidal tendencies. Orbach, Isreal, Mario Mikulineer, Daniel Stein, and Orit Cohen, Self-representation of Suicidal Adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1996. Vol. No.3 435-439.Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology Report # 4 Researchers used multiple measures of irrationability and compared the reactions of never-depressed controls (ND) with people who had recovered from major depression. The ND studies revealed that they didn't exceed in errationality and negative mood in specific situations. The people who were recovered from depression did show that when there were other variables their attitude did change faster than those who had never suffered from depression. They concluded that recovered depressed people weren't able to handle being under different situations when they had to control there rational way of life. Brody, Cindy, David A.F. Haaga, Ari Solomon, Lindsey Kirk, and Dara G. Friedman 1998. Priming Irational Beliefs in Recovered-Depressed People. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. No.3 440-449Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology Report # 5 In 1989, the National Institute of mental health (NIMH) completed the most careful study comparing the success rates of psychotherapy versus antidepressant drug therapy in the treatment of cases of major depression. Patients with major depression were assigned a random for 16 weeks to one of four treatments: an antidepressant drug which was imipramine, a placebo pill, interpersonal therapy, of cognitive behavioral therapy. The interpersonal therapy focused on the depressed persons relationships with other people. The findings of the study were surprising. For the less depressed people all four treatments were equally successful. For the Severely depressed people however, the antidepressant drug therapy was highly success ful. 76% improved on the drug nad only 18% on the placebo. After this study NIMH issued a warning it concluded that only 16 weeks of psychotherapy or the drug therapy for depression was sufficient since it resulted in very high relapse rates. Mackel, Donald, William Holder, and Larry Kvols. Psychotherapy or Pharmcotherapy? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol.5. No. 6, 489-495 Mackel, Donald, William Holder, and Larry Kvois, Psychotherapy or Pharmacotherapy? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. No.6 489-495.Ricky Medina Intro. to Biology report #2 3,450 patients who were diagnosed with either depression, anxiety, or stress syndromes completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS). 3 to 8 years later the same patients took the DASS again. Each time the second test scores were the asme as the test scores from the first test. The stability of the patients suffering from at least one of the three syndromes did not vary over the interval of the two test. The results support the stability of depression, anxiety and stress, and draw attention to the distinction between the three different syndromes. These results were interpreted to mean that there is existence of vulnerabilities in the three syndromes, over and beyond the general vulnerability to emotional distress. Lovebond, Peter F. Long-Term Stability of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Syndromes, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1998, Vol. 107, No. 3, 520-526
Monday, November 25, 2019
Value chain analysis Essay Example
Value chain analysis Essay Example Value chain analysis Paper Value chain analysis Paper customer and repair service, upgrading are main example of this Sales and Service activities. For instance Carphonewarehouse offer customers to upgrade their phone contract with a free mobile phone and other promotional offers. This service soar up the value of a product. Secondary activities exist to support these primary activities and would include thing like infrastructure, human resource, technology and procurement. Procurement Procurement basically hold the duty for every type of purchasing such as goods service and material. Thus a business or company gain resources. The intention of procurement is not to allow the price go higher but to ensure the best possible quality. Technology development Technology is necessary activities for so called Value chain analysis which performs detailed study to obtain results on certain subject. This discover how to cut down cost and find the way to stay more successful than anyone else. It requires to use of hardware, software, expert knowledge to bring in business changes of input to output Human resources To bring the right staff doing the right thing at the right time is an obligation for this activities. This process starts from recruiting or hiring staff, training and developing. Human resource department also follow dismissal procedure when required. Answer to E Dell Computers can be illustrated as an example of Value Chain analysis. It manufactures computers in several region such as Europe, America, Taiwan, Malaysia and China. This company has brought a significant change in computer production. By this strategy Dell has been able to sell computer directly to the customers. This system is known as Electronic Data Interchange and Just In Time (JIT) inventories are mostly depend on website technology. This process can supply the computer to a customer within a week as soon as an order is placed. Altogether assembling a computer take less than seven hours including software installation and system check. It is necessary for suppliers to hold the inventory as to get the parts when needed, as a result they know when replenishment is required. Dell became no 1 computer seller by maintaining efficient operation strategy. the server, storage system, mobile and desktop computers are built-to-order in six manufacturing facilities around the world The web based system instruct and maintain the order and inventory level. Dell can take its inventory only in four days regardless of how many customers they are serving with how many products. ( Fiscal 2005,in review 2005). Dell enables its customer to buy products through internet or over the telephone or fax and named this process direct to consumers business model. It is claimed that dell made it easy for customers to order product online than order over phone or fax. After order the computer is assembled than supplied to customers within 7 working days. Dell also has achieved significant success in its sales and marketing. Now a days advertisement of dell product can be seen across TV, newspaper etc. due to this type of advertisement and promotion currently Dell now sell over 50% of its total sale by internet. Moreover one third of Dell employees are working in sales and marketing. Also to remove possible internal conflict dell introduced credit for sale to country manager and sale reps whether the order is taken by phone or internet. In order to reduce cost dell minimised the level of interaction between consumers and employees by introducing direct sale. Customers often contacts service centre if they experience a system problem. An example for this would be , if a customers hard disc fails to work, then the information pass through the technical support and then into Dells service and support systems. After that a piece of new equipment shipped to customer. In this stage dell ranked a position behind Apple, IBM and Toshiba regarding customers service. (Computers, Desktops, Laptops, 2006, p. 232). But Dell has managed to remain in a higher position than its rival HP and Compaq . Senior executives became aware of this situation and now working ahead for improvements.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Balanced Scorecard In Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Balanced Scorecard In Practice - Essay Example It becomes critically important for the managements of the business and service organizations to implement systems which enable them to have a first hand knowledge of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. For this purpose the management needs to develop frameworks that transform their visions and goals to tangible and measurable objectives. The purpose of these frameworks is to enable the members of the organizations to identify and understand the broad objectives of the organisation, the relationship among them, and the means of achieving them effectively. By adopting this practice the management is able to engage the available resources of the organisation in a most efficient way to maximize the earnings and revenue of the organisation. They are also able to arrive at realistic business plans. Over the years several research studies have been conducted in this field of the management science, and models like Balanced Scorecard has been developed which are basic ally designed for helping the organizations in their drive towards being more competitive in achieving their goals... â€Å"The Balanced Scorecard method of Kaplan and Norton is a strategic approach and performance management system that enables the organizations to translate a company’s vision and strategy into implementation working from four perspectives.†(12 Manage) The balanced scorecard approach can be represented in the following diagram. 1. Financial perspective encompasses the implementation of a corporate database for processing the information in a centralized and automated way. Under this perspective the management should strive to understand how the shareholders view the firm and decide on the financial goals which are desired from the perspective of the shareholders. For instance the revenue growth, profitability, and cost leadership are some of the objectives that may find favor with the organizations as financial perspective objectives. 2. Customer
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Article Summary with questions to be answered over MAT2A Mutations Case Study
Article Summary with questions to be answered over MAT2A Mutations Predispose Indivuals to Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms - Case Study Example Independent measures were applied since different zebrafish were used in each condition of mat2aa MO injection. b. The control was a zebrafish with normal phenotype with no injected MO, it had minimal pericardial effusion and no tail defects. After the injection, moderately affected showed large pericardial effusion and small eyes. Severe effects showed large pericardial effusion, small eyes and severe tail curvature. d. From this data, it can be concluded that mat2aa MO injection in the zebra fish caused significant defects in embryonic development. The developmental defects in the zebrafish were rescued by the wild type MAT2A mRNA more significantly compared to the mutant MAT2A mRNAs encoding either the p.Gly344Ala variant or the p.Arg356Hs variant. 5. The overall findings of the paper indicate that MAT2A loss of function variants predispose individuals to FTAAD. In rescuing the knocked-out defects in the zebrafish, WT MAT2 was more effective compared to other mRNA variants that were previously studied. This was used to establish whether the human wildtype and p.Gly344Ala and p.Arg356His mutant MAT2A mRNA rescued embryonic defects. 6. The main limitation in this research is that the disease progression is not known. The loss of function variants in MAT2A in FTAAD are predicted to lower cellular SAM levels which could lead to aortic disease through several pathways. It is probable that reduced SAM levels could decrease methylation activity or decrease in glutathione activity that increases oxidative stress. It is possible that the pathology that leads to aortic disease due to loss of MAT IIÃŽ ± may overlap with mutations of Fibrillin-1(FBN1) a protein that is altered in individuals with Marfan syndrome. 7. Identification of the pathway by which decreased enzymatic activity of MAT IIÃŽ ± leads to thoracic aortic aneurysm. Experiments that can help determine the pathway can be done by observing MAT IIÃŽ ± in zebra fish
Monday, November 18, 2019
Brain Drain in Louisiana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Brain Drain in Louisiana - Essay Example Of grave concern, then, was the emigration of those with scarce professional skills, like Doctors, Nurses, Engineers etc, who had been trained at considerable expense, in most cases, by means of highly subsidized tertiary educations or Government grants. (Cohen 1). The mere fact of the weak and poor society losing skilled people is a terrible occurrence. It plunge the society into a far deeper economic situation. The implications for the poor sending communities, is therefore, stark. (Dhananjayan 2). The factor driving brain drain emigration are not far fetched. The human nature always tend towards a better and more secured living conditions. Wherever such condition is not obtainable in a community, there is bound to be movement outwards, in search of a better environment. It is obvious, therefore, that inequalities in opportunities available to different societies or nations, is one primary factor at the root of brain drain emigration. Several decades back, 'brain drain' was a name reserved for citizens of poor developing nations moving into America and Europe. A US presidential candidate, Ross Perot, even once talked about a "giant sucking sound" made as American jobs went out to emigrants (Dhananjayan 2), but America seems to be having her own share of the phenomenon within its shores. According to a story on CBS News, Williams Frey, a demographer at the University of Michigan, studied population migration in Louisiana, long before Hurricane Katrina. He concluded that Louisiana has basically been a poster child for brain drain, especially among whites with college degrees (Katrina Accelerates). Brain drain has been seen as a growing trend in New Orleans and Louisiana over several decades now. It is observed that the opposite of the growth trends seen elsewhere in the New South is the case at Louisiana. The loss of skilled labor power began decades back, in the late 1980s, when, probably due to dwindling image outside, Louisiana keep failing to attract new residents. Basically, the Louisiana problem could be said to be due to a failing economy, unhealthy image and the resultant failure to attract in-migration of new residents (Katrina Accelerates). The economy of the city is already on a downward turn and its image battered, losing several of her best educated residents could lead to a vicious cycle. It definitely would further damage the 'sick' economy, tear the city's social fabric apart, and thus further creating a better excuse for the few, staying back, to emigrate and keeping new residents at bay. Brain drain sure does have a resounding effect, it takes away the good ones from a society, cutting out ideas and growth from the few ones left. Hurricane Katrina has further added to this scourge. According to experts, the health care industry was one of the very few industries experiencing growth in Louisiana and also the number one employer in the city. But, Hurricane Katrina almost obliterated the hospital, nursing homes, mental health systems and other health care institutions in the whole of New Orleans. These institutions employ thousands of people and many of them are already migrating for better opportunities. In the wake of Katrina, several competitors have been perfecting their strategies to better attract the numerous nurses, doctors and other health care workers stranded in the city. For instances, it is reported that, Joe Ann Clark, Executive Director of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Foundations Of Learning And Collaborative Working Nursing Essay
Foundations Of Learning And Collaborative Working Nursing Essay For the focus of this essay I will be discussing the concept of collaborative working within the professional area of adult nursing. Using appropriate literature this essay will examine the definition and rationale of collaborative working, a small introduction to nursing and how collaboration is applied in this area of care. This essay will conclude by looking at the influencing factors and outcomes of collaborative working in nursing practice. McCray, 2007 defined collaboration as a respect for other professionals and service users and their skills and from this starting point, an agreed sharing of authority, responsibility and resources for specific outcomes or actions gained through cooperation and consensus. (use ref) Collaboration may be seen as a process by which members of different disciplines share their skills and expertise to provide a better quality service to patients/clients/service user. (Hughes, Hemingway Smith, 2005). Collaborative working involves interaction of various group or organisations to achieve a common goal, which normally in the health care setting is the patient. As a result of problem solving, open, flexible approach to the roles and tasks of individual team members provide a more patient focused healthcare. The Department of Health (GB DOH 2001) published a strategic framework for lifelong learning for the NHS, Working together, Learning Together Learning and development are key to delivering the Governments vision of patient centred care in the NHS. Lifelong learning is about growth and opportunity, about making sure that our staff, the teams and organisations they relate to, and work in, can acquire new knowledge and skills, both to realise their potential and to help shape and change things for the better. Lifelong learning is inextricably linked with the wider agenda for building, rewarding and supporting the NHS workforce for the future.( www.dh.gov.uk) http://www.dh.gov.uk.assetRoot/04/05/88/96/04058896.pdf Barr (2004) points out that interprofessional working enables professional benefits, with reference being given to the sharing of knowledge and the opportunities to experience areas of work outside ones own remit. It is suggested that professionals may have levels of improved job satisfaction and increased levels of confidence in dealing with difficult situations. Barr (2004) also expresses a view that interprofessional education is collaborating learning in order to enable collaborative practice. Collaborative working in health care is often referred to as interprofessional working (IPW). Rationales for collaborative work in is to cope with the problems that exceed the capacity of any one profession (Hughes, Hemingway Smith, 2005) In nursing it is important to remember that providing holistic care often involves the use of other professionals and this concept should be encourage in order to facilitate the provision of patient care. Standards have been set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to safeguard the welfare of both the patient and the nurse. These standards identify that the nurse must work with others to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of those in your care, their families and careers, and the wider community. It has been said that to fully explore the place of the nurse in the multi professional team you must first understand the role of the nurse. McCray (2009) as the health care system grows and changes rapidly, the role of the nurse also changes, but the well being of the patient is always the main focus. A good nurse will strive to develop good relationships with other professionals, when the care of a patient depends on collaboration of various health professionals. Collaborative effectively is often vital in the achieving a holistic healing process, which involves treating the patients biological psychological and social needs. Patient centred care (PCC) is a widely used model in the modern health care system; it places the patient at the centre of all care. PCC improves continuity of care and integration of health care professionals collaborating on behalf of their patient. (Pence, 1997) To be able to give a patient the best possible care its imperative to work alongside other healthcare professionals to come to a joint care plan some times in the form of a package of care which can be mutually agreed to meet every care needs of the patient. Each professional has to show mutual respect to each other. An example of effective collaborative working may be; Mr B is due for discharge after having suffered a severe stroke which has affected his right side, leaving him with severe expressive and perceptive dysphasia. As a Nurse in charge of the care of Mr B must collaborate with other health care professionals, such as doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and of course Mrs B, in order to fully assess the level of care he may require on discharge, and provide a gradual return home. This would prove beneficial, since the patient has mobility and communication problems, so was going to need physiotherapy, speech therapy and adaptations to the family home. Maintaining good professional relationships is imperative amongst not only other health care professionals, but also the patient and family members. (Molyneux 2001) In this example effective collaborating ultimately had a positive impact on the successful outcome. This in turn improved the service being offered to the patient. Unfortunately collaboration does not always have positive effects and Interpersonal conflict can sometimes occur, a number of various reasons which could cause this, old, new team members, power issues, time management and funding Conflict may occur for example in the case of lung cancer, doctors wish to treat a patient who has lung cancer when the chances of success are low and the treatment has side effect. Nurses on the other hand may feel the results of treatment are so bad it outweighs any benefit; this could be when things can become complicated. The NMC states that; you must always work cooperatively within teams and respect the skills, expertise and contributes of your colleagues. (2008) in some case following this may prove extremely difficult. Building a successful collaborative relationship requires good communications skills, which in turn allows the development of trust which will benefit the patient in the holistic care they will receive. I believe that any thing we can do to make a difference must be a good thing. As Florence Nightingale once said, unless we are making progress in our nursing every year, every month, every week, take my word for it we are going back (Alexander, Fawcett Runciman (2006)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Me and the Moon :: Something Corporate Me and the Moon Essays
Me and the Moon Music has always been a crucial part of the way society views the world. Some songs have hidden messages that can change’s one’s life and opinions. Today many songs become popular without having meaning. Something Corporate is a fairly new band, which sings, â€Å"Konstanine†, â€Å"You’re gone†, â€Å"Only Ashes†, and â€Å"Me and the Moon†. Being a new band in the music scene, they have caught many listeners attention through their lyrics. One of their more interesting songs is, â€Å"Me and the moon†. Something Corporate’s song â€Å"Me and the Moon†succeeds because it makes you think about relationships through subliminal messages. Obviously, the author of the song â€Å"Me and the Moon†is the new and up coming band Something Corporate. This song brings in an audience of women who have difficult relationships with their significant other. Many of their songs tell their listeners real life experiences. â€Å"Me and the moon†appeals to people in relationships because it describes someone in a relationship that is suffering. Being alternative music, it appeals to people who are interested in rock music or like different kinds of music rather than the popular music. Most songs use pathos because of their emotional lyrics. We realize that this song is pathos because of the extremely personal experience represented in this song. Throughout the song, he uses emotional lyrics that touch your heart. Many people in unhealthy relationships can identify with this song In the beginning verse of the song, the first line â€Å"It’s a good year for murder. She’s praying to Jesus. She’s pulling the trigger. There’s no tears, cause he’s not here. She washes her hands, and she fixes dinner, but soon they’ll be coming to rush her away. No one’s so sure if her crime had a reason†. This lyric tells us that a woman is trying to kill her husband. We can infer this because they describe the presence of a gun and her committing a crime. We can tell that they are married because they state activities that would be associated with being a house wife. The murder would be considered a crime because no one knew the pain her husband caused her. She has no feelings because she does not cry after she murders her husband. After killing her husband she has no remorse because of the damaged he caused. In the next verse, Something Corporate tells us that â€Å"Reasons like seasons.
Monday, November 11, 2019
King Devanampiyatissa Essay
During the reign of king Asoka of india,Srilanka was ruled by king Tissa who was the second son of kung Muthaseeva. King Asoka and King Tissa were very close friends. Kung Tissa sent delegation to meet kingAsoka with several gifts. The leader of that group was Prince Maha Aritta who was the nephew of King Tissa. This delegation was ceremoniously received by Emperor Asoka. This delegation spent about 5 months in India. King Asoka sent back alarge collection of precious onaments required in a coronation as a gift. It consisted of swords and valuable ornaments. Also the following message was sent: â€Å"I have surrended myself to the triple gem. Oh my friend, you too submit yourself to the triple gem.†The King was very much pleased with the message the envoys brought back. He held a second coronation with ornaments King Asoka had sent. Also the King waz given an honorary title â€Å"Devanampiya†that was used by Mourya rulers ti which Emperor Asoka belonged. From that day king Tissa was called â€Å"Devanampiyatissa†The most important outcone of the friendship of the two kingswas the introduction of Buddism to Srilanka. King Asoka sent several missions to preach buddism to this country. Mihindu Thera who was the son of kung Asoka brought Buddism to Srilanka after 3rd Dharma Sangayana Along with Mihindu Thera came Arhat Thera named Ittiya, Uttiya, Sambala,Baddadala anf Sumana a young monk and Bhanduka on a pposon full moon day at Mihinthale. Mihindu Thera preached the †Chulla Hattipadopama Suthraya†to king and his group . Upon listening to the sermon the king and the people readily embraced Buddism and surrendered to the triple gem.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Drug Abuse- a Menace to the Society
Drug Abuse is a serious issue affecting all sections of the society, Irrespective whether they are Young/Old, Poor/Rich, and Educated/Illiterate. To really understand the gravity of the situation one needs to understand a few very important points;- what actually is Drug-Abuse? As I understand a very simple definition of Drug abuse is that it means use of drugs for the purpose for which it is not meant to be used (in other words use of drugs not for treating ailments but to satisfy vicarious pleasure ). The destructive thing about this is that when people experience the hallucination under the influence of these drugs, they would like to this again & again causing a serious Drug Addiction. Now let’s try to understand the various Drugs frequently abused. The Most Common that is used by more than 80% of the people is Marijuana also called Ganja or Grass or weed in colloquial language. The most dangerous aspect to be noted is that in spite of being labeled a Banned Drug, Marijuana is available very easily to all & sundry. The reason for it to be a favorite among the Drug addicts is that it is not very expensive & it gives an instant kick and can be had instantly without even letting a non smoker know about it. We see thousands of people smoking cigarettes everyday & their may be many of them smoking Ganja & still we won’t know about it. Even though this is not an appropriate time to say I cannot prevent myself from saying that the If the Law enforcing authorities are strict, this menace can be controlled to a very large extent. Why would people get addicted to this? Other than the reasons of being easily available etc, as mentioned above Chemically a substance called as THC ( Tetra Hydroxy Cannibinol) a ketone present in this Drug makes the body become dependent on it. The relaxation it brings to the smoker along with the euphoria it creates makes the smoker misconceive that this actually is not destructive & some regulars believe that smoking grass helps in harnessing their creativity. Once again this is a misconception which needs urgent rattention. . Now let us see How it becomes a menace to the person abusing it so that we can understand how it affects the society. As the time goes by & the addiction takes root, it causes various personality disorders, serious psychological behavioral problems & loss of priority resulting in Poor judgments, Slowed reflexes, Distorted vision, Memory lapse, Anxiety, Confusion, Constant physical fights, tiredness, Black outs, Lowered inhibitions & problems in remembering recently said or did. They even start believing that Drugs is necessary to have fun & to even to exist. They constantly feel run-down or depressed leading to suicidal tendencies. They constantly complain of Dry mouth, Nausea, Head ache, decreased co-ordination, Increased Heart rates, Reduced Muscle strength, increased appetite & craving. Drugs & Alcohol together are contributing factors in at least half of all murders, Suicides, & Car accidents in an inebriated condition. Drug dependency pushes people to loose their self esteem & make them promiscuous. Approximately there are 1 lakh deaths occurring per year because of Drugs. The Illegal drug Mafia has a firm grip on the Market & is a very big source of funding Terrorism. Of course Marijuana is not the only drug & there are more serious Drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, LSD, and Phencyclidine which are more dangerous but luckily they are not very common as these are expensive, difficult to procure & more harmful. These drugs are snorted, smoked or injected. When these drugs are taken thru injections, it increases the chances of transmitting AIDS & HIV by sharing of needles. The Good News is that more than 98% of the teens have never tried these harder drugs like cocaine. Let me see if we can do anything about this, first of all on a personal level if we find our friends or other young people indulging in it, we have to report to the family immediately. On the family level care should be taken in handling these people & we should give them all the love & support to overcome the addictions with the help of De-addiction clinics. On a bigger scale the society of which we are a part of should take stringent steps to see there are no peddlers or users among them & finally the state should introspect & see why it cannot be rooted out if there is a will & conviction among them. My friends, Recently we saw the Grammy award winner Amy whinehouse dying at the age of 27 because of Alcohol & Drugs. It’s a pity that such a great talent has to loose out to Drugs. I can go on & on about the menace the Drug Abuse causes to the Individual first & then the society, but I feel the more we dwell upon it, the more we would be energizing it, so lets all say NO TO DRUGS & Promise to ourselves & to the society that we would weed out this menace in our generation completely.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Evaluation for Ice Bar Essays
Evaluation for Ice Bar Essays Evaluation for Ice Bar Essay Evaluation for Ice Bar Essay You dont want the expenses to be more than the sales. Management and employees would want to see this information to see how well the business is doing. Also to see if the business can afford to pay the employees. Evaluation for Ice Bar First of all we were deciding upon what kind of business we were to set up. First we had decided to set up a chocolate shop. The reason for not starting up a chocolate shop was because we thought this was not necessary and there are a lot of shops which sell chocolate in Sheffield. We wanted to introduce something new instead. So we decided upon setting up an Ice Cream parlour, the reason for this was there are no Ice Cream parlours in Sheffield, but there are cafes and restaurants which sell Ice Cream. By doing research we found out that Ice Cream does not have to be restricted to the summer months only as it is a cold dessert. At the time we started our business plan in the winter where a lot of Ice Cream is not eaten due to the cold weather. Due to us starting our plan in the winter we thought it would be difficult to find information on Ice Cream due to Ice Cream is known as seasonal. We also decided not to open Ice Cream parlour at one point due to it being seasonal. However, doing a lot of research finding out the important information for our business we realised we could be successful. If we put a lot more effort in advertising in the winter. Research is the most important part of the business plan and we believe we were successful in this area. As we found out a lot about Ice Cream the profits you can make buy selling the product. Pricing is really important in a business. If it is pitched too high then it will frighten off potential customers, but too low a price might give you levels of demand we wont be able to cope with, or worse leave us with higher costs than revenues. So we had decided making the prices reasonable. We decided to locate on Ecclesall Road due to it being a predominately student area. We believe it could start us with a good client base. There were different areas from where we could choose from for example London Road, somewhere in the City Centre. As Ecclesall Road is just off the City Centre so it does have its advantages and it is a long road with a lot of competition. Finding the property on Ecclesall Road was difficult as there are a lot of businesses successful. We managed to find a property after a while we had to wait, if we had not been successful in finding a property on Ecclesall Road we would have decided to locate on London Road which is a road like Ecclesall Road with a few cafes and takeaways. London Road is being developed into being another Ecclesall Road. There are flats being made on London Road which are to be filled with mainly students. We had decided to set up the business as a partnership due to having more ideas and we both have different skills within each other. By putting the skills together we thought we could have a successful business. Setting the business up as partners does have its advantages and disadvantages. As above they are the advantages but the disadvantages are not agreeing on the same idea, which can cause some problems but me and Emma managed to work together and if any disagreements occurred we had sorted them out by working them out. We did manage to get on well with each other and work as partners. The quality assurance was used by the help of Emma getting information how a food handling business works. As Emma works at Massarella she had the experience and knowledge of what was needed to be done. We used the information from Massarella as it is a food handling business. It had helped us a lot with our quality assurance, production plan, and constraints on production. The financial plan is crucial as it is a forecast on the business to see if we are to be successful in making any profit. The financial part of the plan took us a long time to do by trying to get it right. It was not difficult doing the cash flow forecast and the profit and loss account as we had to just fill in the months and it were calculated automatically. However finding out all the prices and working them out was difficult and took most of our time working them out. However looking at the financial plan we seem to be doing well not losing a lot of money. As we do expect sales to be high in the summer but not in the winter so it can be understood that the sales figures are low and we dont make any profit in the first three months. It is expected though we dont make any profit at the start of the business. Nevertheless we seem to be doing well not losing out on much. Looking at the ratios in gross profit we are doing extremely well, but not in the net profit but we are totally low in the net profit we are jus near the 50% mark but we can grow on this as it is the start of a new business and we might even expect more customers than we predict or less. If we had more time we would have convert the Ice Bar into a drinking bar in the night. We have a bar in Ice Bar and the name which would be suitable, so there would not be a lot to change the premises itself. We would have to apply for licence for alcohol. We also have a basement we could refurbish it and convert it to a dancing area or have another bar downstairs. To convert the Ice Bar into a night bar it would cost us a lot of money so we would need to take out a loan. If we were not successful in our Ice Cream Parlour this idea would be our back up plan. We decided to use the Lloyds TSB Bank business plan to help us construct our own plan to help us construct our own plan. There were a variety of business plans to choose from to help us to construct our business plan for example HSBC Bank, Natwest etc. The business plans are mainly available from the banks. We chose Lloyds TSB Bank because there is a lot of information given to help with the business plan, for example a CD was given a book which guides you through the planning of a business. It also gave an outline of a business plan where you can fill in the spaces and use it as a business plan. The guide was very helpful, we used the construction of the Lloyds TSB business plan we did not use as we had a lot more information to add and some of the information in the plan was not necessary to our business plan. We could have chosen different plans like HSBC but we felt HSBC did not have lot information like Lloyds TSB. It was not very helpful it had just given a business plan where you can just fill in what was necessary.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Consolidation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Consolidation - Case Study Example The preparation of the consolidated financial statements DOES NOT involve any adjustments to the financial statements of either the parent or the subsidiary companies. In this case, the parent is Batman and the subsidiary is Robin. A. This means that the investing company, Batman is willing to pay more that the total value of the stockholder's equity. There are many good reason why companies agree to pay more than the acquired company's actual net worth. some of the reasons are: A. The pre acquisition journal entry is also known as the elimination entry. The journal entry made such as investment in subsidiary is credited. The original entry where the stockholders' equity amounts are credited is now debited. The main reason for such pre -acquisition entry is to produce a correct combined financial statement where the assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity accounts are lumped together. Based on the above declaration, the dividends declared after acquisition is bigger than the dividends declared before acquisition. The main reason is that the income derived from combined financial statement shows that the is higher then the pre acquisition net income.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Computer Systems Architecture and Administration Assignment
Computer Systems Architecture and Administration - Assignment Example There are three mechanisms to the performance of processing interrupts. The leading element is the amount of time taken between when the processor receives an interrupt request and when the processor takes action to initiate processing the interrupt service routine. This interruption is referred to as interrupt latency. The second element of interrupt is the interrupt processing time. It denotes the amount of time that the processor spends when practically saving the machine state of the interrupted task and diverting the interrupt service routine execution. Usually the amount of machine state saved is minimal, on the presumption that the interrupt service. The last element of interrupt service performance is the state saving overhead. This underlines the amount of time consumed when saving machine registers, but which must be saved so that the interrupt service routine to do its job. c. Caching is beneficial in several ways including: latency is abridged for active data resulting in higher application performance levels. Further, the I/O operations to external storage are minimized because most the I/O is diverted to cache. Subsequently this leads to lower levels of SAN traffic and disagreement. a. For a program to be executed it is required that it be first stored in main memory. Subsequently, after the program is loaded in the memory, a program execution starts through the delivery its start address to the CPU, which then sends instruction address to the memory unit.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Integrating Security and Usability into the Requirements and Design Research Paper
Integrating Security and Usability into the Requirements and Design Process - Research Paper Example The user interface design of the touch screen register has features that enable it to attain security. First, the new system enforces access controls by requiring that every cashier supplies a matching pair of user-id and password in order to log in to the register. It is not only helpful in preventing non-legitimate access to the register, but also provides a good avenue to introduce role-based authentication. Moreover, it will be possible associating a given cashier with a certain workstation, and in certain instances, it is possible associating a cashier with a certain workgroup. Second, the registers ability to lock after four unsuccessful login attempts is a good strategy to suppress the efforts of brute force attackers and malicious insiders who will constantly use trial and error in a bid to gain unauthorized access to the system. Further, the safety of information stored therein is enhanced by the condition that only the managers can use a keycard to unlock the register follo wing unsuccessful login attempts. Finally, unauthorized access is also prevented by the registers ability to lock if the screen does not get touched for a period of three minutes. The system also features certain security utilities that to some extent collide with the usability. First, the restriction that only the cashier who was authenticated before the system locked will be in a position to unlock it is a feature that prevents the idea of other end-users performing malicious acts on other peoples account profile. Otherwise, new cashiers would need to restart the system. The tool also increases accountability whilst enhancing the systems intention to associate every action with a particular user (Wysocki, 2013).Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Recruitment and Selection Essay Example for Free
Recruitment and Selection Essay 1.0 Attracting and Recruiting Tesco The priority for Tesco is to recruit internally; potential applicants are scouted with their Talent Plan to fill a vacancy. Employees looking for a promotion are targeted first, if there are no compatible people in the Talent Plan or developing within the businesses internal management program then Tesco will advertise the vacancy internally on its staff website for two weeks. Benefits †¢An incentive for employees to work hard therefore rewards good employees. †¢Cost Effective due to not having to advertise externally in expensive mediums e. g. magazines, newspapers etc. †¢The business is already familiar with the skills and capability of the candidates. †¢Motivation can occur as it provides an increase in employee empowerment. †¢Shorter introduction period needed as the candidate is already familiar with the operations and activities of the business. (hrcap.com) Disadvantages †¢Limited applicants given that you are only able to choose from the pool within the business. †¢Lack of new ideas and perspectives introduced externally as people on the outside may have different experiences from business that they have work for in the past and innovative ideas. †¢May cause conflict between potential candidates and resentment from those not promoted or not given the opportunity. †¢As the employee(s) gets promoted this creates another vacancy. (tutor2u.net) McDonald’s Every restaurant franchise is responsible for filling hourly-paid positions this is empowered through McDonalds recruitment policy. The management recruitment department generally advertises the position in the restaurant for recruiting hourly paid employees. However, there are other method that they use such as job centers, careers fairs and other local facilities. Benefits †¢People on the outside can bring in new ideas and perfective that can aid innovation and improve productivity. †¢Larger pool of potential applicants from which to find the best candidate. †¢May reduce training expenses by as experienced candidates can be employed. †¢Diversifies the business, helps company’s aims of meeting their diversity requirements. †¢Does not create conflict between employees. (blurtit.com) Disadvantages †¢Longer process due the need to attract externally. †¢More costly from the requirement of interviewing and advertising. †¢Could cause morale problems as internal candidates are not given the opportunity for a promotion. †¢Requires longer orientation or introduction period. †¢Selection process may not be effective to reveal the best candidate. (Aswathappa, K. 2005) 2.0 HR Planning A systematic process for identifying the human resources required to meet organisational goals and developing strategies to meet those requirements. It defines the activities necessary to have the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. (cs.ny.gov) Tesco Given that Tescos is putting emphasis on growth, the company needs to recruit regularly to keep up with the demands of the business and its operations for both food and non-food parts of the business. The process runs annually from end of February. Quarterly reviews in May, August and November are used to assess current staffing levels and whether recruitment is needed. McDonalds McDonalds labor turnover is usually high due to the most of them being in education (varies from differing franchises) hence HR planning is a monthly process that requires the assessment of staff that are leaving and therefore the need to evaluate whether recruiting new staff is needed. Advantages †¢The company anticipates future needs of the organisation and evaluates whether appropriate action is needed in effect preventing potential problems before they arise which ultimately increases the overall efficiency of the business good workforce planning is a source of competitive advantage. (ehow.com) †¢HR planning takes a proactive approach in ensuring that the corporate objective is met by aiding the businesss operations. Therefore it allows managers to prepare and plan for changes rather than reacting to changes as they come. Hence HR planning is a good strategic decision making tool. (tutor2u.net) †¢Businesses that are in market with high external changes e.g. Mobile Phone market technology. The business can better react work force implications such as employing someone that have a particular set of skills to match the competition. (datapole.hubpages.com) Potential issues †¢Implementing the decisions made from the HR plan may be difficult due to cost. Most of the decisions made from the HR planning have cost implications e.g. new training, extra recruitment, and redundancies. The cost need to be evaluated relative to the corporate objective and whether the decision aids in meeting the objective(s). (tutor2u.net) 3.0 Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 is the law which bans unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and in wider society. (homeoffice.gov.uk) The human resource department is responsible for implementing the act given that the act is aimed at recruitment and the selection process and the working environment. Tesco enforces this act in the recruitment process by not including questions about religion, sexual orientation and age on the application form. Tesco has implemented a diversity strategy, Tesco’s aim to employ people from disabled or disadvantaged groups. Tesco offers an interview guarantee to candidates from Remploy, Shaw Trust and Whizz-Kidz three organisations that work with disabled people. McDonalds believes success is due to the experiences and the quality of their employees. Their aim is to develop employees’ talents, whilst nurturing their differences. To ensure equality and diversity McDonalds implements policies and monitors and reviews them regularly to maintain their effectiveness. For an example in application form there are not questions regarding age, sex or race. Through Diversity Awareness Training, Managers Guide Training, the Employee Handbook, managers will make certain every employees are trained and made aware of their responsibilities under the equality and diversity policies. Moreover, employees have an option on joining internal programs and employee business networks that serve to provide a sense of community in a diverse work place such networks include: Hispanic Employee Network, McDonald’s African American Council, and McDonald’s Gay Lesbian Allies Network. Moreover, they provide information, education, and advice for both the employees and the company. Benefits †¢Creates a good image an ethical corporate image. †¢Attracts and retain talent from the widest range and best possible pool of potential candidates for the vacancy. Feeling included and appreciated increases loyalty and feeling of belonging therefore reducing absenteeism and labor turnover, ultimately saving on recruitment expenses. †¢Creates a more respectable and safer work environment and culture since it is illegal to bully or harass an employee based on sex, race, age, or disability. †¢Managing and adapting to the impact of globalisation and technological change. In effect improving knowledge of how to operate in different cultures which is extremely beneficial for businesses that operate overseas (e.g. Tesco) †¢Enables a work force to develop creativity and a variety of perspectives that can benefit problem solving due to having more solutions to choose from. Morale can increase as a result of a mixture of different age groups within the workforce. The mix of young and older people brings a broad range of knowledge, experience and social skills to the company. †¢A diverse workforce is more flexible, since it consists of a wide range of people from a different stage of the life cycle, all able to work together to deliver the best service in all circumstances which is especially important for a mass market firm such as Tesco and MacDonalds (oneworkplace.org) Disadvantages †¢Different cultures could provoke a conflict in views and opinions and negatively affect team work therefore decreasing productivity. †¢Diversity and equality policies help against preventing discrimination which can be very costly if convicted. †¢People may feel insecure or threatened to work with people of a different age, sex, or culture. An increase in training expenses could occur due costs associated with seminars, programs and lectures given to promote diversity in the corporation. These types of training are given to all levels of staff within the organization (Outtz, J.L, 2004) †¢The pressure of increasing work place diversity can bias the selection process. Hiring managers may believe that diversifying the work place to meet policies is more of a concerning matter as if they dont there is a stigma attached to it for being discriminatory and therefore putting their job at risk. Hence, increasing diversity requirements might make fail to notice more suita ble qualified applicants in favor of applicants who bring diversity (not necessarily talent) to the organization. †¢Making adjustments to accommodate diversity can be costly (e.g. installing lifts). Numerous diverse groups demands can become burdensome on employers therefore causing de-motivation. Employee requests and work constraints based on religion, national origin, gender and race can become overpowering if your workplace has so much diversity that it takes human resources staff member too much time and workload just to keep track of obliging to the needs of diverse groups in the workplace. (chron.com) (scribd.com) 4.0 Involvement of the human resource practitioner The HR practitioners play a proactive role, contributing to the formulation of corporate strategy, developing and integrating HR strategies and giving guidance on matters related to uphold legislations, policies and ethical principles. (Armstrong, M. 2010) Tescos human resource practitioner is responsible for workforce planning, the process of analysing an organisations likely future needs for people in terms of numbers, skills and locations. This planning process runs every year late February. There are quarterly reviews in May, August and November, in order for to Tesco to alter staffing levels and recruit where necessary. This permits Tesco sufficient time and flexibility to meet the businesses demands for staff and allows the company to meet its strategic objectives, such as maintain a good level of customer service or opening new stores. In terms of McDonalds each individual restaurant is responsible for filling hourly-paid positions. The HR manager is usually the general manager of the franchise. The HR manager sets policies for hiring and recruitment such as enforcing the equality act. Theyre responsible for creating job postings and advertisements when there are vacancies, they are also responsible for the contents within the application form so they must keep in mind the equality act so questions on age, race, disabilities etc. are not permitted within the application form. The manager typically decides the final candidate that is applicable for the job. 5.0 Section Methods Interview An interview is described as a conversation with a purpose†¦ most job interviews are structured with questions aim about the candidates experience, careers and qualifications (Armstrong, M. 2006 p441) This information is exchanged, with the intention of establishing the applicant’s suitability for a position. (businessdictionary.com) Strengths †¢Useful to determine if the applicant has good communication and social skills which may be required for to fill the vacancy. †¢Opportunity for candidates to ask questions – to solve any issues. †¢Enables the supervisor and current employees to evaluate if there is compatibility between the applicant and the team. †¢The candidate may reveal additional information useful for making a selection decision that he/she did not write on the application form. †¢The interviewer can explain the job in detail and assess the applicants job knowledge. †¢Opportunity to ask exploratory questions that investigates the candidates characteristics and competencies assess if they meet the job requirements. †¢Interviews to get an understanding of a candidates personality, which may be difficult to distinguish from a CV or application on paper. †¢Rich in qualitative data that is useful to analyse personality. (evalued.bcu.ac.uk) Weaknesses †¢Some applicants may feel nervous during interviews, leading them to forget key points about present them selves badly leading to a bad first impression. Therefore an interview may not be a fit for everyone only those that prefer interview hence biasing the process towards more confident people. This could undermine more qualified and experienced people as they are over shadowed by their first impression of being nervous and not confident, ultimately, this may cause the HR manager hiring the wrong person for the job. †¢Interviews rely on the interviewers own judgment and dont guarantee the best outcome as interviewer bias can distort the results. †¢Qualitative data is subjective and depends on the interpretation of the interviewer, deeming it unreliable. †¢Can lack validity due to it not being a true measure of how the candidate will perform in a work place. Moreover, it does not necessarily review competence in matching demands of the job, given that answering questions is not a valid measure of the persons ability to do the job. †¢They can be very time-consuming: setting up, interviewing, transcribing, analysing, feedback, reporting therefore, can be costly. (academic.udayton.edu) (siteresources.worldbank.org) Assessment Centers ‘A method for assessing aptitude and performance; applied to a group of participants by trained assessors using various aptitude diagnostic processes in order to obtain information about applicants abilities or development potential.’ (psychometric-success.com) Selection techniques may be combined and applied together at events referred to as assessment centers. Such events may last one to three days during which a group of applicants for a post will undertake a variety of techniques†¦ the general methods used would be group discussions, role plays and simulations, interviews and tests.†(Bratton J. and Gould J. 1999 p206) In assessment centers candidates take part in management related exercises (test). Common exercises include: Different types of Psychological tests. †¢Management games. †¢In-Basket exercises. Here, the candidate is asked to solve different management problems. †¢Group discussion (GD) about different management topics. †¢Oral presentations of management topics. †¢Good report writing, etc. (http://psychcentral.com) Advantages †¢Identify strengths and weakness of the candidate.(kevinmorrell.org.uk) †¢Multiple tests increase reliability and validity. They are deemed to be more accurate than a standard recruitment process as use a wider variety of selection methods to be used during the process. (kevinmorrell.org.uk) †¢Allow interviewers to differentiate between candidates that seem similar on paper. (Martin M. and Jackson T. 2000) †¢Gives the applicant a better insight of the skills and knowledge needed to fill the vacancy. (Martin M. and Jackson T. 2000) †¢Employers that use assessment centre build an employer brand of being professional and process that genuinely reflect the job. (getfeedback.net) †¢Enable assessors to observe and assess candidates’ behaviour in a number of different situations which provide a more comprehensive and rounded picture of the individuals concerned. (Martin M. and Jackson T. 2000) Disadvantages †¢Expensive; Barclays estimate their assessment centers cost around  £15,000 †¢Arguably the personal characteristics of a person cannot be assessed accurately within the 3 or so day they are running for. †¢Assessor bias can distort results as they may sub consciously prefer a certain characteristic. Work Sample Test Standardized measures of behavior whose primary objective is to assess the ability to do rather than the ability to know through miniature replicas of actual job requirements; also known as situational tests. (highered.mcgraw-hill.com) Advantages †¢The method provides a real life context therefore the method is high in ecological validity which makes the work sample a valid measure of the candidates competence in performing task required in the vacancy. (Van Kleef, J. et al 2007) †¢Provides the assessor a basis to test the applicant skills such as communication that are not clear on paper. (Van Kleef, J. et al 2007) †¢Due to their relationship to the job, these tests are typically viewed more favorable by examinees and candidates than aptitude or personality tests. (hr-guide.com) †¢Difficult for applicants to fake job proficiency which aids validity as the score on the test correlates to how well the applicant completes the task. (hr-guide.com) Disadvantages †¢Useful for jobs that take a short period of time. However it is a poor assessor of jobs that take a long period of time such as designing. (hr-guide.com) †¢Does not predict whether the applicant will have the motivation or personal attributes to carry out that task reliably on the job. (dpc.nsw.gov.au) †¢Denoting work behaviors into number is highly subjective, open to interpretation as well, therefore is open to assessor bias ultimately lowering validity. (dpc.nsw.gov.au)
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Concepts of Social Cohesion and Equality in Education
Concepts of Social Cohesion and Equality in Education The Personal is Political: Why do we let this happen? This age old saying indicates that the choices we make, the way we look, the way we act and present ourselves with and to other people, are political and defines our political orientation, as society dictates we have to look a certain way. But Who says so? The Person is Political is a liberal feminism theory, identifying that Personal problems are Political problems, as they are as a result of political systematic oppression. A rallying cry for many feminists in the 60s and 70s, in their underlying message, in writings, readings and consciousness raising. Relating to the theory and resonating with the feminists cry, Marxism removed the focus away from struggling individuals and onto group struggling, ratifying the only way to effect real change is to do so collectively! Concurring with this ideology, Durkheim further cited by Filloux, stated society is bigger than us and shapes our thoughts and actions the collective conscious, mechanical solidarity with sameness and social bonds based on shared morality, uniting members. This essay will look at supported published literature, how it is understood by the leaders of thought in this field, validating and correlating the shared language to describe and defend my own practice in the community of education. How are we faring against social, economic, cultural and political ideologies? Is it just words? It is my belief, fairness and equality for all has still not been achieved and is an ever evolving work in progress. The differences in society are our connections. Our cultural norms are tacit and white privilege is asking us to challenge them daily and understand what is in Our Knapsacks. We as practitioners, do have the power of inertia to intercede between the individual learner and stakeholders to collectively effect real change to ensure a better society for all. Irelands changing demographic over the last 10 years has helped to shape a more socially and culturally diverse society. There is no doubt that Ireland will remain a diverse society and it is important that we celebrate and harness this diversity and ensure that our communities are inclusive. Speech by Minister Stanton Equality Then, Now Future: Creating a more Equal Inclusive Society Key concepts and theories will explain real life practices and demonstrate the obligation to promote a critical analysis of social change and inclusion, in the context of the social, cultural and political frameworks. Critical reflection and ethics within daily practice trigger theories of social change, inclusion, quality and diversity in my role as an educator. A learner who is Dyslexic, Stephanie (not her real name) is the genesis of the case study and consequently support the growth of this essay. In order to understand other cultures, the lived experience of inequality and inclusion, or lack of will be categorised by three levels of the Micro, Meso and Macro. Taking this into consideration, her lived perspective will evaluate the extent to which Adult and Further Education includes marginalized social groups, what should be contained in an inclusive curriculum and the sense of agency to provide a comfortable supportive environment to enable her to deal with societys barriers. Critical factors such as equality form our mind-sets within particular cultures. The particular culture within our families, organisations and government are the markers of difference and operate at different levels in responding to diversity. Possessing an understanding of what is in my knapsack as a practitioner, Peggy McIntosh (McIntosh, 2016) enabled me to check my own assumptions and re-evaluate, Who and what I am and Who and what I am not The Other. Micro level considers the teaching and learning viewpoints at individual levels in Adult and Further Education. Long gone are the days of I Teach, You listen! approaches, the theory of developing intellect and not listening to the learners voice is non-productive. The importance of emotions are fundamental in the development to the functioning of an inclusive democratic society. How can I let my learners see that I truly care about their progression, if I cannot demonstrate empathy? Sharing my journey of Lifelong Learning, in a professional and legitimate manner allowing the language of emotions to be present within the classroom, is crucial in the establishment of trust building of respectful relationships. In addition, concurring with Filloux, practitioners should adopt to a discipline of sociology, providing for successful structures and facilitation of learning, in conducive learning environments. The teacher of the future is thus one who will manage to live out the pedagogical wish of the sociologist.. (Filloux, 1993) During Stephanies Wk1 Day 1, Induction Week on a yearlong Level 5 Office Administration Course, through Icebreaker introductions, Stephanie disclosed she had not been interviewed or applied for the course herself and was not happy about having to attend. As she had not applied for the course her negative attitude could be somewhat understandable. Stephanie had received a phone call from the organisation, the day prior to commencement of the course and instructed to arrive for class the following day at 8.30am. This relaxed day enabled Tuckmans Formation Stage to develop, empowering learners to share experiences, develop relationships and build confidence and self-worth. On Day 2, following reflection of the previous lesson, further discussions unfolded with Stephanie sharing her bad experiences in school to the group. Relationships were emerging, with other learners demonstrating sympathetic responses. Admitting how she struggled with reading, confessing how daily she was publically humiliated by having to read out loud and when she refused to do so, was labelled troublesome. She was regularly called stupid or dumb by both the teachers and peers and often sent to sit outside the headmistresss door, when she became argumentative. In her own admission, she said it was easier to start an argument in the classroom rather than feel useless. Stephanie felt the only person she developed a relationship with, was the School Secretary. She took the time to listen to me! This school secretary had recognised she was different and suggested her best approach to improve her performance in school would be to go to her doctor, and get a psychological assessment con ducted. The school would receive government funding to support learners with additional needs and the school would be in better position to support Stephanie with her studies. As a result of that conversation, Stephanie felt she had personally failed, in addition to the school system failing her, so she dropped out of school, after her Junior Certificate. However, she did go to the doctors who confirmed in a psychological report that Stephanie was Dyslexic. Emile Durkheim suggests Anomie is a lack of moral standards in a society. Unfortunately, it could be argued Stephanies previous experiences of system failure, in 2nd level education, certainly had an impact on her individual belief systems, behaviours and overall perceptions of Further Education (FE), hence shaping her negative attitude and barriers to motivation of learning. In addition to delivering subject matter content, practitioners are also expected to ensure learners are familiarised with the Rules and Regulations of the Institution. Following the 2 days lessons, in a 1:1 session, Stephanie was made aware of the facility to apply for Learner Support, if she felt she had a specific requirement. She produced her psychological report, stating I had come to class armed with it on the first day, but wanted to see if I would fit in with everybody first. To further support her progression through the course, additional support sessions for an hour, twice a week before and / or after class were offered, by myself. Reassurance was given to Stephanie that all strategies and learning experiences would be reflected in her own personal learning style. In addition, Learner Support if approved, would permit an extra 25% additional time to complete all assessments, the support services of a Reader / Scribe would be made available and all papers would be photocopi ed on yellow paper, to assist with reading. Following the meeting an application was submitted to the organisation for Learner Support. Micro Level is hugely important in the awareness to issues, context and sometimes problems that Adult learners experience, to develop learners skills and confidence in their learning with the necessary practices and strategies. Concurrent with Social Justice Ireland, our social role responsibility, as practitioners, leads to the identification of problems and impediments for progression and inclusion, to change and ensure a better, inclusive, nondiscriminatory society for all. Working to build a just society where human rights are respected, human dignity is protected, human development is facilitated and the environment is respected and protected. (Social Justice Ireland, 2009-2016) Meso Level is the organisations approaches to ameliorate policies and practices to support and promote inclusion, by facilitating the necessary support apparatuses. It could be argued, the solution to constructed failure, at Meso Level in Stephanies case at 2nd Level, focussed more on medical treatments, psychological assessments and monetary gain, instead of focussing on the educational solutions and the necessary support apparatuses. Thus, identifying the other so called efforts of supported others as self-centred. Concurring with Fiona OConnor suggestions, there is a severe lack of professional training given to practitioners to manage diversity within classrooms. Furthermore, at Meso Level is it more ubiquitous. Many employees at this level have never experienced the importance of emotions and emotional work within classrooms, as their roles and responsibilities are often administrative. (Number Crunching). In line with current paradigms to social inclusivity there is an institutional racism still in existence. At Macro Level, the lack of an interview for Stephanie prior to the course commencement, highlighted the failure to identify the necessary prerequisites, willingness to learn, commitment to complete such a long course or that she had an intellectual disability and cognitive condition such as Dyslexia, further demonstrates their lack of concern they do not want to be bothered. Practitioners organise the necessary applications, follow up paper work and hiring of Reader / Scribe personne l for a learner who has been approved for Learner Support. All of which is additional duties outside of class time. The organisations approach to addressing fostering and inclusion of inequality and diversity by practices could be questionable. Are they adopting a bums on seats view? Should practitioners be pre advised of the physical, mental and intellectual disabilities of learners in advance of course commencement? Macro Level is the wider structure context of class, gender and race. Legislative and policy frameworks are regularly being reproduced in the roll out of new revised Strategic Plans, underpinning education, equality and promotion of social inclusion in societal change. However, prior to commencement of the course, Stephanie contacted The Department of Social Protection (DSP) to clarify why she had a place on a course, as she had not applied for one. The information received, informed her she was from a marginalised group, on a Long Term Unemployed Register, therefore it was compulsory to complete a course. This was further outlined in written format, and stated that her failure to attend the course could result in deductions from her Social Welfare Payment. DSP enforcement, can be argued as having a negative impact on learners readiness to learn and a barrier to motivate individuals to partake in learning and progression to Adult and Further Education. Disability Acts, Equality Acts and legislative Strategic Plans provide opportunities to collaborate together and ensure that all of our citizens are entitled to lifelong learning (LLL) advocating the central pillar of the European Union (EU) strategy, to create a dynamic and competitive knowledge- based society and economy (NUI Galway, 2011). Is this at a cost to the individual? Where is the freedom of choice? The educational systems in place are clearly strongly integrated into the society. However, in my opinion, it is impossible to expect equality in education in short of progression and advancement towards equality in the social, economic, cultural and political systems. With this in mind, changing education is the catalyst to those revolutions in changing cultural values and opinions. As previously identified, Marxism removed the focus away from struggling individuals and onto group struggling. It is my belief, fairness and equality for all has still not been achieved and is an ever evolving work in progress, ratifying the only way to effect real change is to do so collectively. References Anon., 2016. Education.ie. [Online] Available at: http://www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2016-Press-Releases/PR16-11-21.html[Accessed 22 November 2016]. Anon., 2016. Step It Up:Ireland vows gender equality a foreign policy in the push for the Sustainable Development Goal | UN Women. [Online] Available at: http://www.unwomen.org/en/get-involved/step-it-up/commitments/ireland[Accessed 12 December 2016]. Anon., 2016. www.leargas.ie. [Online] Available at: http://www.leargas.ie/resources/[Accessed 2 December 2016]. Camilleri , M. A. Camilleri, A., 2015. Education and social cohesion for economic growth. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19(5), pp. 617-631. Cullen Owens, R., 2005. A Social History of Women in Ireland, 1870-1970 An Exploration of the Changing Role and Status of Women in Irish Society. Dublin: Gill Macmillan. Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, 2016. epale.ie. [Online] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/themes/social-inclusion[Accessed 18 November 2016]. European Commission, 2016. The EU and Irish Women. [Online] Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/ireland/node/684_en#education[Accessed 12 December 2016]. Filloux, J.-C., 1993. EMILE DURKHEIM (1858-1917). UNESCO: International Bureau of Education, 23(1/2), pp. 303-320. Hearne, L. et al., 2010. The Adult Learner 2010 The Irish Journal of Adul and Community Education. Dublin: AONTAS. McIntosh, P., 2016. White Privilege:Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack. Waterford : s.n. NUI Galway, 2011. Lifelong Learning: Contemporary Policy and Practice. Galway: National University of Ireland. OCarroll, E., 2012. Preparing for Training Delivery. In: Train the Trainer. Dublin: Gill Macmillan, pp. 50-67. OConnor, F., 2010. Institutional racism in Irish adult education: fact or fiction?. In: The Adult Learner 2010 The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education. Dublin : AONTAS, pp. 29-52. Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration, 2011. Integration.ie. [Online] Available at: http://www.integration.ie/website/omi/omiwebv6.nsf/page/index-en[Accessed 11 November 2016]. OGrady, M., 2015. How Societies Change, Waterford: Dr Maeve OGrady Moodle WIT. OGrady, M., 2016. Education, Equality Social Inclusion, Waterford: Dr Maeve OGrady Moodle WIT. OGrady, M., 2016. The Other in Adult Education, Waterford: Dr Maeve OGrady Moodle WIT. Osler, A., 2015. The stories we tell: exploring narrative in education for justice and equality in multicultural contexts. Multicultural Education Review, 7(1-2), pp. 12-25. Social Justice Ireland, 2009-2016. Social Justice Ireland. [Online] Available at: http://www.socialjustice.ie/content/policy-issues/presentations-oireachtas-committees[Accessed 12 December 2016]. Waterford Area Partnership, 2016. Waterford Area Partnership. [Online] Available at: http://waterfordlife.ie/supporting-communities/social-inclusion/sicap/[Accessed 23 February 2016].
Friday, October 25, 2019
Sigmund Freud: His Life And His Work Essay -- essays research papers
Sigmund Freud was born on May 6th 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, which is now in Czech Republic. He is the eldest of eight children born to Jacob and Amalie Freud. Because of the anti-semetic riots who were ragging in Freiberg , Freud’s father, who was a wool merchant, lost his business and the whole family had to move to Leipzig (1859) and shortly after to Vienna where Freud spend most of his life. When he lived in Vienna, Freud had, once more, to come accross anti-semetism : jewish people had been persecuted in Europe for hundreds of years and they would often be attacked on the streets or called names. Freud was a very intelligent and hard working student, but when he left school, he was not sure of what he wanted to do. At first, he decided to become a lawyer. Then, he decided to study medicine and to become a doctor, for this reason, he enrolled in the medical school of the University of Vienna (1873) and he often came top of the class. To the eyes of Freud, working hard and wanting to find out about things were the two most important qualities in life. In his 3rd year at the University, he started a reasearch work on the central nervous system in a phisiological laboratory under the direction of Ernst Wilhelm von Brucke. During this period of reasearch, Freud neglected his courses and as a result, he remained in medical school 3 years longer than it was normally required to qualify a physician. He received his medical degree in 1881 . He spend three years working at the General Hospital of Vienna - working successively to psychatry, dermatology and to nervous diseases -. In the year 1885, he is given a government grant enabling him to spent 19 weeks in Paris to work with French neurologist Jean Charcot - director of the mental hospital, The Salpetriere - who tried to understand and treat nervous disorders, and most especially hysteria. Charcot used hypnosis to prove that the real problem of his patients was a mental one. From this demonstration, Freud realised the power that the mind had on the body, and he came back from Paris, determined to make a name for himself in this new field of study. When he came back from Paris, Freud immediately married his sister’s friend Martha Bernays. At first, the other doctors laughed at him and noboby baught his books. He was therefore very poor and in addition, he had a growing family to support. His only friend, Wi... ...pose of having a child with him. At this stage, the mother becomes the object of rivalry and jealousy. For the girls, the castration complex comes first ( in opposition to the boys case ) and then they desire to kill the mother and marry the father and have a baby. If for the boys the castration complex ends the Oedipus complex, and creates the unconscious and the superego, what happens with the girls ? Freud says that the oedipal cathexis in girls may be repressed or abandonned. The result is that women never really create a very strong superego. He is also not quite sure of how women’s unconscious is formed, since they do not have the castration anxiety as the motive to repress their incestuous wishes, some sort of repression might happen but Freud is not entirely clear on how it happens. Freud succeeded in finding clear solutions for many human problems with the help of psychoanalysis : he demonstrated the existence of the unconscious and created a totally new approach to the understanding of a person’s personality. Although he was never accorded full recognition during his lifetime, today, Freud is acknowledged as one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pharmacy Sales and Inventory System Essay
Chapter I The Background and its Setting Introduction Time is very important in every people especially when we do our job. We have done all at the correct time so that we can meet the quota of the company every day. It is difficult in doing all things manually particularly when you’ve lack of time to do this, like counting the number of items that are already sold, how much is the total amount and determinable number of the stocks of each medicine. The problem in manual is that, a pharmacy assistant has a great chance to make some errors and fraud in inventory because in the processing of sales and inventory usually begins when a customer bought a medicine over the counter and sometimes they have made a wrong total amount of medicine by means of confusion and crowdedness of the customers. They couldn’t determine faster the number of stocks of each item and the out of stock. Since it is often times that the managers do not have enough time or information to check the items sold and remaining, they don’t even know the exact quantity of stocks of the medicine. For the customer, the main problem is that they are waiting for the pharmacy assistant that is looking for the medicine they intended to buy, if they have the particular brand of medicine that they are buying or are they still have a stock. It is also a waste of time to the part of customer. So the main focus of the study is on how can be easily know the amount and quantity of medicine with less effort to the employee and improve the accurate information in a receipt. This paper shows about the inventory system. The Pharmacy Sales and Inventory system is accessible by an administrator. They can customize the interface which can add, edit, filter, and monitor all stock of medicines in the pharmacy. This system will show all the changes made by the administrator. Background of the Study Today, computer has become a part of life. It is evident that most of the country’s institutions still do not use the high technology. Particularly in pharmacies, daily transactions, inventories and record of sales are still done on paper. People know that modern pharmacies are now operating at great pace striving to serve as many customers as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years goes by, the number of customers has grown and various cases arise that the manual method of managing customers’ transactions, inventories and updating sales, is no longer practical. In this study, researchers hope to develop a system that will minimize all works of manual methods, therefore allowing owners ease in updating inventory – a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and efficient. Owner knows that number of customers continually increase, managing a pharmacy can also become increasingly difficult, especially if everything is done manually. The researcher will tend to make a system for the easier way of providing information about the product bought, sold, and stored. In addition, the system will attempt to provide receipts using the new system to show the effectiveness of modernizing the company’s current system. This system tends to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the process done by the company. The convenience of this new system will help to promote the company as well as to help its employees do an easier task for the enhancement of the system process. Statement of the Problem The study will enhance the existing inventory control system for pharmacies for a better inventory management and to eliminate/reduce risks of errors and fraud. It will seek to answer what enhancement and design the pharmacy can adopt for a more effective and efficient inventory system. The researchers aim to answer the following: 1.Will the system provide satisfaction to pharmacies in terms of: a.Reliability b.Maintainability c.Portability d.Functionality e.Security 2.Does Pharmacy Sales and Inventory System helps pharmacist in their management processes and sales? a.Time Efficiency b.Accuracy c.Convenience 3.Does the system will provide correct and reliable information to the pharmacy? a.Information accuracy b.Data consistency 4.Does the system will help provide good quality of service to customers in terms of: a.Quality of products b.Faster transactions Significance of the Study This system provides more efficient and faster transactions to pharmacies. It will also provide better service to the customers. †¢Pharmacist- improves stock management, because the system automatically tells what products are lacking and expired. †¢Customer- provides faster transaction and less time of waiting because the pharmacist can give all the information of the product. †¢Administrator- enables to improve the control of the system and also enables to improve the design, the efficiency of the system. Theoretical Framework This Inventory System is important for any business particularly in Pharmacies. An inventory system must balance having enough inventories on hand to meet the demand of customers while investing as little money as possible in inventory. The scope of an inventory system considers which needs the inventory system addresses. These include valuing the inventory, measuring the change in inventory and planning for future inventory levels. The value of the inventory at the end of each period provides a basis for financial reporting on the balance sheet. Measuring the change in inventory allows the company to determine the cost of inventory sold during the period. The inventory level and changes allow the company to plan for future inventory needs. This Pharmacy Information System is a computerized system that handles many one of many outpatient functions, such as taking prescription orders, prescription entry, and pricing of the medications, to fill and refill medication, medication inventory, and the financial management and purchasing Conceptual Framework Scope and Limitation This system will focus on the list of the medicine in the pharmacy that will keep the computerized record of the medicines, it will also store the details of the medicines and can print all the records, and all the sales will be stored in the sales history and the changes will be recorded at the change log, so that the community in the place/city will assure in this system. Only the IT personnel can edit the prizes and the stock of medicine and only the pharmacist can access this system. Definition of terms Sales and Inventory System- software-based solution used to simultaneously track sales activity and inventory Pharmacy- a store where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold Data- fast and statistics collected together for reference or analysis Medicinal Drugs- something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease Pharmacist- a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs Customer- a person that buys goods or services from a store or business
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