How to write an evaluative essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Correspondence Theory of Truth
Correspondence Theory of Truth There have been a wide range of suggestions identified with the idea of truth and reality since the commencement of theory. The Correspondence Theory of Truth expresses that recommendations must be valid if the realities and thoughts that they are expressing relate to the real world. Individuals can just say that the sky is blue, for example, if the sky truly is evidently blue. While various scholars have been attempting to expose this natural and the fundamental thought for quite a while, the Correspondence Theory of Truth looks superior to the issues with it. Reality and Mental Objects A few thinkers article to the Correspondence Theory of Truth since they pretty much point out that reality, as it is seen by people, isn't objective in its own right. The sky may appear to be blue, yet the sky is an idea as seen by people, and blue is a psychological item that exists in the brains of people. They deny that a reality made of mental items might be impartially genuine. Be that as it may, so as to try and investigate the veracity of the Correspondence Theory of Truth, individuals are utilizing mental items and their own personalities. Individuals are doing this all the time at any rate. Its absolutely impossible of getting around this, so people must choose the option to trust out faculties and view of the real world. Deconstructing reality past that point makes a circumstance where individuals cannoteven truly utilize their own minds, which won't assist anybody with finding reality. The issues with the Correspondence Theory of Truth eat one another. Humanitys Reality Matters The truth that people see is surprisingly confounded. As people gain instruments that permit them to identify things that were past human detects, that much is self-evident. Notwithstanding, even the demonstration of addressing whether the truth saw by people is genuine or not requires the utilization of human discernments and inclinations. The observations, predispositions, and mental items that make reality for people despite everything have esteem. On the off chance that there is a reality past that, it nearly appears it isnt going to practically matter for humanitys purposes. People experience the world through mental items, and the Correspondence Theory of Truth assists people with understanding the truth that is lived by people. It practically depicts truth. Exact Evidence The Correspondence Theory of Truth empowers thinking dependent on experimental proof. Individuals can possibly say that the sky is blue if the sky is blue. At the end of the day, given the meaning of sky and the meaning of blue, individuals must search for proof that the sky is blue so as to concur that it is. Experimentation is a way of thinking that has a long reputation of helping mankind comprehend the world. Induction and judiciousness power individuals to look at their own inclinations, which can permit individuals to make up for the issues that may emerge with developing reality out of mental articles. Empowering the unending wariness engaged with the issues with the Correspondence Theory of Truth doesn't assist individuals with understanding the world. Individuals need to make some earlier suppositions so as to might suspect anything. SHOULD CITIES PRESERVE OLD BUILDINGS? The issues with the Correspondence Theory of Truth are established in hyper-wariness and the to a great extent pointless perception that people have a naturally one-sided perspective on the real world. The human perspective on reality includes mental items and edges, however protesting the Correspondence Theory of Truth additionally requires mental articles and casings. Individuals can't evade utilizing them, which makes it in a general sense pointless to attempt to think without them and see truth without them. It bodes well to urge the exact way to deal with reason, and the Correspondence Theory of Truth does that. Individuals can possibly acknowledge guarantees as obvious on the off chance that they relate to confirm based reality, which is a method of displaying the world that bodes well as indicated by human needs and even human constraints. The human view of the world is imperfect, yet it has esteem, and the Correspondence Theory of Truth can assist individuals with getting it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discuss distributive justice and procedural justice. Explain how Essay
Talk about distributive equity and procedural equity. Clarify how supervisors can utilize these ideas - Essay Example he representatives are managed in an equivalent way as far as paying workers compensations with no biasness with different representatives, the working hours of the representatives, the premise of advancement, the prizes and rewards offered to representatives are all on an equivalent premise. Nobody representative is preferred over another worker in this kind of equity (Masterson et al, 750). Procedural equity in an association implies that the administrators are settling on choices in the firm on grounds of reasonable managing. All lawful, moral, social and different issues are thought of while the director settles on a specific association issue. The representatives are worried about the explanations for any choice (Bakshi, Kumar and Rani, 150). It is significant for supervisors to show both distributive and procedural equity in associations so workers stay happy with the association. Gifted and talented representatives may leave the association on the off chance that they feel that they are in effect unreasonably treated and furthermore they might be unsatisfied with the organization’s dynamic. Thus supervisors can utilize both these ideas of distributive equity and procedural equity in guaranteeing that they deal with their workforce effectively. Fulfilled workers will in general perform as indicated by the objectives and goals of the association. In the event that representatives realize that they would be dealt with decently and they realize that the choices made by the supervisors are on reasonable grounds then the degree of inspiration for workers in buckling down lifts enormously. In the event that supervisors are assessing the exhibitions of the workers on close to home footing and afterward they are abusing the standard guidelines of the association, and along these lines there is no equity winning in the association. Workers may not be faithful to the firm. Administrators need to plan standard compensation and arrangements of advancement and as needs be reward the representative on their presentation. On the off chance that a low performing representative has been given advancement, at that point this may make workers be exceptionally disappointed with the firm as the
Thursday, July 23, 2020
SKIPA Fulfilling promises to myself as a soon-to-be graduate COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
SKIPA Fulfilling promises to myself as a soon-to-be graduate COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Julia Chung is born and raised in New Jersey, but hopes to be considered an honorary New Yorker. She is a second year MPA student concentrating in Urban and Social Policy and specializing in Technology, Media, and Communications. After graduating from Vassar College with a BA in Sociology and a minor in Asian Studies, Julia worked at various nonprofits in New York City on issues including housing, immigration, education, and civic engagement. As I enter my final semester, I promised myself that I would make the most of my last five months at SIPA. This semester is going to be the one when I take the classes in topics I haven’t explored before like impact investing, energy policy, and negotiations. I will go to all the talks that seem interesting (There’s an exciting one on the Green New Deal next week!). And I will take advantage of the resources that the Office of Career Services can provide (I signed up for a resume workshop and the public service networking event!). But, SIPA is not only about academia and the job search. It’s also about living in NYC with some of my closest friends with the flexibility in our student schedules to truly enjoy the time we have together. And so I will go to all the restaurants and museums I haven’t been to yet. I will go to all my favorite SIPA events like the Publique parties and formal Gala thrown by our student government. And, not to sound corny, I will say yes to new experiences. One of the new experiences I signed up for was this past weekend. I went to SKIPA, our student-run, three-day ski trip. I haven’t skied in over twenty years and all I remember is falling a lot and being cold. But, I knew it was going to be a great way to see my friends before the semester gets busy and a good memory before I graduate. Also, some of my classmates from warmer climates have never skied before, so I knew I’d have some company on the bunny slopes! We drove up to Killington, Vermont, on Thursday night and us sixty Seeples stayed in condos just at the foot of the mountain. On Friday morning, my friend, who has been skiing since she was 2 years old, gave me with a much-needed lesson on how to pizza and control the skis. I stayed on that bunny slope the whole day but met up with everybody for lunch at the top of the mountain for some chili and mac n cheese. The evenings were just good fun with classmates packing the hot tub with 20+ Seeples, hanging out around the fire and drinking hot chocolate, and going out to eat at local restaurants. We repeated the same Saturday ski, hot tub, and food. I must say that I was quite proud that by the end of trip, I was able to go to on something other than the bunny slopes. We drove back on Sunday morning, in time to do some reading for my Monday class before the Superbowl! I must say that SKIPA trip, unexpectedly, has been MVP of the semester thus far. To see the calendar of events at SIPA, visit the calendar here!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Nonverbal Communication And Relationships With Family Members
Relationships are no walk in the park. If you want relationships to work everyone involved needs to put in the work to communicate and work at keeping the relationship going. In my essay about relationship stages I will discuss nonverbal communication in relationships, romantic relationships and, relationships with family members. Nonverbal communication is a way to communicate without speaking and communicating verbally. According to McCornack, â€Å"we define nonverbal communication as the intentional or unintentional transmission of meaning through an individuals non-spoken physical and behavioral cues†(211). In relationships, an outsider can observe two people and tell what kind of relationship they share without hearing the way they speak to each other. Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Nonverbal communication crucially serves to create intimacy between two people (McCornack, 234). According to McCornack intimacy is â€Å"the feeling of closeness and â€Å"union†that exists between us and our partners†(234). I feel that young people, including myself, think that being intimate goes with having sex. I was corrected by a teacher in high school who shared with me that being intimate with someone is not having sex. Since then I have felt like I have had intimate relationships with not only my boyfriend but my best friend of 9 years. I share a bond with my best friend that is not like any other friendship I have. We self-disclose, and we have aShow MoreRelatedThe Blind Side Character Analysis1395 Words  | 6 Pagesa healthy relationship with both his parents. A woman named Leigh Tuohy, and her husband Sean Tuohy take Michael into their own home. Leigh, after spending time with Michael starts to feel like a mother to him, and Michael feels the same way about her. After they both create a bond with Michael, both Leigh and Sean become legal guardians of Michael. 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I envisioned a nuclear family with parents who are madly in love and children who thrive from tremendous emotional support. After weeks of studying the topic of American families more in depth in and outside of the classroom, my perception has changed. I have learned the important concept that every family is a unique, diverse unit. The service-learningRead MoreNonverbal Verbal And Verbal Communication957 Words  | 4 Pages Over this summer course I have learned a lot about communication. I learned how significant nonverbal and verbal communication is, along with listening. I never fully understood how big communication is in our daily lives. I now realize that it is a huge aspect of how we continue in our lives. This course has showed me different levels of communication. Nonverbal communication is behaviors and characteristics that convey meaning with out the use of words. Sometimes accompanying verbal
Thursday, May 7, 2020
An Unpleasant Emotional Experience Of Anxiety, Fear, And...
Burger (2015) defines anxiety as â€Å"an unpleasant emotional experience where you have feelings of worry, panic, fear, and dread†. Burger (2015) proposes Sigmund Freud’s three categories of anxiety. The first he proposes is reality anxiety, or objective anxiety, which is usually experienced when someone feels threatened in the real world (Burger, 2015). The next anxiety he suggests is neurotic anxiety. Neurotic anxiety is experienced when unwanted id impluses are extremely close to breaking into consciousness (Burger, 2o15). Neurotic anxiety is the type of anxiety that leads to defense mechanisms. The last type of anxiety discussed is moral anxiety. Moral anxiety is brought about from the superego in reply to id impluses that disrupt the superego’s moral conduct (Burger, 2015). Moral anxiety is often experienced as guilt. People often handle anxiety differently. Defense mechanisms are the unconscious processes that are used when handling anxiety. Coping strategies are conscious efforts of handling anxiety. There are endless amount of coping strategies. For example, if you had a bad day at work you may indulge in some of your favorite candy to help you cope. Burger (2015) suggests three different types of coping strategies: problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance strategies. Problem-focused strategies are considered to take care of the problem therefore eliminating the anxiety. Emotion-focused strategies are intended to diminish the emotional distress that escorts theShow MoreRelatedFear And Lack Of Failure1552 Words  | 7 PagesFear Have you ever been afraid at failing at something that you decided to give up? Or has the fear of failure let you hindered your own efforts subconsciously in order to avoid greater setbacks (â€Å"Overcoming Fear of Failure†par1). Many of us have experienced fear at some points in our lives; even the most courageous people know fears to overcome (How to Overcome Fear par 1). Fear can immobilize. But when we allow fear to hinder our forward progress in life, we are liable to miss some great opportunitiesRead MoreAmaxophobia: Definition and Symptoms1141 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Amaxophobia Definition: An irrational and exaggerated fear of riding in a vehicle or being in one.1 Amaxophobia is the fear of riding in a car. The origin of the word amaxo is Greek (meaning vehicle) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear).2 Amaxophobia is a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of walking, despite conscious understanding by the phobic individual and reassurance by others that there is no danger. An extreme unwarranted fear and/ or physical aversion to walking.3 Causes: It isRead MoreHow Fear Affects Us. Fear2726 Words  | 11 Pages How Fear Affects Us fear ˈfir/ noun unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Fear is an emotion or thought that is strange and at times indescribable, but often felt in our everyday lives. It is the profound feeling you get when you feel as if you are being threatened with danger or when you feel that something bad is going to happen. At times, fear can keep you from succeeding or doing what you need toRead MoreWhat Are Mental Prisons? Or Unnatural Fears, And The Process Of Liberation?1465 Words  | 6 PagesUnnatural Fears, and The Process of Liberation? †¢ People of modern age suffer from anxiety disorder the regular emotion of Anxiety which can be described as a subjective unpleasant state of inner turmoil, feeling of dread associated with anticipation of real or imaginative frequently accompanied by nervous demeanor, somatic discomforts, and rumination. Anxiety which is state of uneasiness, worry and over-reactivity with regard to a situation only perceived as menacing, is NOT IDENTICAL with Fear, whichRead MoreA Brief Article On Stress And Your Life : Friend Or Foe?1702 Words  | 7 Pagesstress, it would make reference to a force sufficient to deform or distort when applied to a system. Now here s Webster s definition of stress: A specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, which disturbs or interferes with the normal psychological equilibrium; physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. So there you have it. Now the stress we re accustom to hearing about is the stress that s capable of creating mood changes, physical illnesses, cause addictions, as wellRead MoreEssay on Assessment of Psychopathology1956 Words  | 8 PagesAssessment of Psychopathology Normally both fear and anxiety can be helpful, helping us to avoid dangerous situations, making us alert and giving us the motivation to deal with problems. However, if the feelings become too strong or go for too long, they can stop us from doing the things we want to and can make our lives miserable. A phobia is a fear of particular situations or things that are not dangerous and which most people do not find troublesome. MostRead MoreFactors that Causes Stress1513 Words  | 7 PagesIn the modern world, people experience stress in various forms throughout their daily lives. Stress in the medical world referred to as the â€Å"silent killer†. Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain usually caused by demanding situations, a traumatic experience and often times due to mental health issues namely anxiety. While perfectly normal to experience stress and sometimes beneficial in providing a person with needed focus in order to perform important tasks. However, this conditionRead MoreDiscuss the Relationship Between Stress, Anxiety, Habits and Describe How You Would Treat These Issues with Hypnotherapy2311 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"Discuss the relationship between stress, anxiety, habits and describe how you would treat these issues with hypnotherapy†. Introduction Common requests for hypnotherapy treatment are those related to stress, anxiety, habits and phobias. An understanding of the relationship between these disorders, examining the similarities and the differences between each, provides the therapist with information useful in deciding how and if to treat these disorders. It could also be argued that the uniquenessRead MoreCauses Of Dental Phobia And Reasons Essay2245 Words  | 9 Pageslot of causes are unknown, there are some that are more obvious. Some people have a generalized fear of pain. This is a very common reason for an individual to skip the dentist office altogether. This reason of phobia is usually caused by an unpleased or painful previous dental experience or from someone else’s story about their negative experiences. An article from Web MD called Easing Dental Anxiety in Adults states, â€Å"Thanks to the many advances in dentistry made over the years, most of today’sRead MoreIllegal Drugs : Pcp Exp lored1627 Words  | 7 Pageslabs and sold under street names, such as, angel dust, ozone, wack, and rocket fuel. When mixed with Marijuana, PCP is sometimes referred to as killer joints or supergrass. The blending of strange ingredients is what gives way to PCP s unpleasant side effects. The chemicals that create PCP are readily available, and the mechanical devices needed to manufacture it are not hard to come by. PCP is not effectively characterized and ought to be considered independently from psychedelic medications
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Creates One’s Identity Free Essays
In the book, â€Å"a complicated kindness†, written by Miriam Toews, the main character, Nomi Nickel, fights through many obstacles in her life and learns what reality is. Her characteristics and identities are built in her by the places she lives. The struggling in living without her mother and older sister has made her doing so much than what she would. We will write a custom essay sample on What Creates One’s Identity or any similar topic only for you Order Now The small town and her religion have a huge impact in her, where she hates the place but she learns to love it. Her dream of being free has more inspiration in her which makes her wanting to go to the outside world. After learning so much as she has to, she becomes a responsible, kind and strong young adult. When one loss something they would always get something back in reverse, by which cases the one always learns from what she has to go through. In the book, Nomi’s sister and mother’s sudden disappearance has made her handle lot things that she wouldn’t do and handle by herself if she has a full family. â€Å"It’s been three years so far. My period started the day after Trudie left which means I’ve bled thirty-six times since they’ve been gone†(Toews, 5). The quote shows us that Nomi, the main character, has to handle suffers as being a female after her mom has left her. She has to handle it without anyone’s helping. It was the responsible she learns without noticing it herself. â€Å"Doing laundry can be a really interesting thing and intriguing process. Emptying people’s pockets, noticing odours and stains and items, folding the clothes afterwards, opening drawers, putting everything away†(Toews, 35). In the process of learning, Nomi has become responsible and enjoying what she is learning to do. An individual’s past always teaches them how to be a better and kind person. When one thinks about their past over with different point of views, they would realize what they had mistaken. From the book, Nomi often have flashbacks about what she did to others, she then could find the demerit she had done. She is a Mennonite, but she hated her own religion. After she’d look back what she did and how she treated some people, she has learnt how she should treat others nicely. â€Å"My guidance counselor has suggested to me that I change my attitude about this place and learn to love it. But I do, I told her. Oh, that’s rich, she said. That’s rich†(Toews, 8). â€Å"East village has given me the faith to believe in the possibility of happy family reunion someday†(Toews, 324). The quotes tells the change in Nomi, where she becomes someone different. From hating the village to loving it was by changing in herself. One’s dream leads possibilities to the one. The courage of people do something they were afraid has to come from what she believe. Nomi, the girl who lives in a religious town with lots of rules, wants to have freedom. She has a dream of being herself. She wants to get out of the town and a new life. After her father leaves her, which he knows he has to leave first to let go of Nomi, Nomi decide to go to the outside world with no fears. â€Å"I dream of escaping into the real world. I would love t read the diary of a girl my age- a girl from the city. Or a textbook on urban planning. Or a New York City phone book. I would be killed to own a New York City phone book†(Toews, 8). â€Å"I meant to thank you Ray for, in the midst of his own multitude of crap and bewilderment, knowing one true thing. That I would never have left him and that if I were ever to get out of that town, he would have to leave first†(Toews, 322). Nomi wants to go outside so much she would do anything to have freedom, but she promises her father that she’d never leave her father alone. But after her father left, she has noting to worry about. She has the courage of going outside. She is strong. One’s identity is built in them by many factors; life struggling, past and dream. All of the factors are based on realities. Dream is a big part of reality when one believes in themselves. An individual might not realize how dream works out for their identity, but it is the most important part of building their identities. How to cite What Creates One’s Identity, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Personal Finance Plan Worksheet free essay sample
The process of creating a detailed plan to meet your financial needs and prepare for the future is called b. personal financial planning. 2. Which of the following is not one of the five major steps of the financial planning process? c. collect and organize your financial information 3. Which phase in life is commonly associated with focus on marriage, family, purchasing a home, and career development? c. ate 20’s through your 40’s 4. Which of the following is a benefit of having a college degree that can affect your financial planning? d. all the above 5. Which of the following elements of a comprehensive financial plan involves analyzing future needs, such as saving for retirement or college funding for dependents? d. protecting wealth and dependents Directions Respond to the following short-answer questions in 50-to 100-words: 6. People have different styles when it comes to handling their money. List the two things that affect your personal beliefs and opinions about financial planning. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Finance Plan Worksheet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How well do you feel you manage your money? Can you spot areas for improvement in your money management style, and if so, where/how? a. Two things that affect my personal beliefs about financial planning are: my family composition and values. I want my family to be comfortable and I also save but not as much and often as I should. Making sure I save for hard time and my family stability is a must. Setting up a budget is a main topic in my household. b. I can do better and stop tapping into my savings. I do have a savings account that is linked to my account. Everytime I spend something a dollar is sent to my savings, so that also help me balance my account as well. I also need to focus on our needs and not what we want. c. Yes I could stop spending more money and save more which is hard because we just moved and we are buying the house we are renting. Im putting money into the house but bills still have to be paid. We are starting to do a budget to eliminate the how, who, when, and where. 7. Which element of the comprehensive financial plan focuses on your housing needs, setting aside money for emergencies, and establishing a career path? Consider your own finances. Do currectly own a vehicle and/or home? If yes, how well do you manage monthly home and auto expenses? How well do you save for unforeseen expenses? a. Securing basic needs b. I own two vehicles and purchasing a home. We pay our mortgage at the beginning of the month in which we split, we pay the bills as soon as we get the bills and we split those as well, then the car notes are split up, and at the end of the month our car insurance is due. c. We have a savings account that pulls money from our checking whenever we spend money nd then we literally have what I call a piggy bank and we save change as well. There is nothing wrong about saving change because it does add up. 8. The economy is unpredictable and can affect your personal financial planning. List one factor in economic conditions that may affect your financial future. How could you reduce the impact of that factor on your finances? a. Inflation b. To reduce the affect of inflation is to save and go on a budget. You can also shop smarter by shopping cheaper, like generic brands. Also using coupons and your rewards card to reduce the cost of groceries and gas. You can shop around for the cheapest prices and most of the time if you buy in bulk its cheaper. 9. Which step in the five-step financial planning process requires you to organize your financial information, create personal financial statements, and evaluate your current financial position? Have you ever completed this step? If so, is it still applicable to your current financial situation? If not, do you plan to do this soon? Why or why not? a. Step1: Analyze your current financial position. b. Yes I have done it before, but now we just moved and we are now creating a new budget. Since the bills have changed we have to do a new budget and gather our bank statements, bills, and calculater our income to be more financially stable and save more money. We are currently going over a new budget as we speak. 10. Step Five in the five-step financial planning process discusses the importance of regularly reevaluating and revising your plan because personal circumstances often change. List two life changes that may require you to update your financial plan. Have you recently experienced a change that requires you to reevaluate your financial plan? If so, what was it and how have you accommodated it? (Please share only what you are comfortable sharing) a. Marriage and children b. I just recently got married and we’re just purchasing a home. My husband just received social security and 100% in military disability and I work. This make it a little easier for us to make it. I do have children and one is disabled so its tough but we make it. We split everything down the middle so no one person would be overwhelmed with paying all the bills on their own. We try to do a budget and stick to it. We do bargin shop and try to limit where we go due to high gas prices. We also put money to the side for different things we want to do whether its go out to eat, go to the movies, or date night. We also put money back for food and gas. We include everything we do and everything that can happen in our budget and daily life.
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